Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The best feeling in the world.

The best feeling in the world is feeling your baby move inside of you!

 Prior to this week, I felt only flutters of movement and now I'm starting to feel like this baby is practicing martial arts inside my belly. The initial fluttering movements that I felt a few weeks ago have definitely turned into full-fledged kicks and nudges. Movement picked up as each day carried on this week and every night I'd call for my husband to run into our bedroom... "Hurry, put your hand here. Do you feel it?" and the baby would stop moving. It was really frustrating! 

We played the "hurry, come in here" game a few times yesterday afternoon and finally my husband felt the baby moving and kicking! It was the absolute best experience in the whole entire world. I will never, ever, ever forget that moment for as long as I live. Grow, baby, grow so that we can meet you soon!

Pure Joy.

I saw my niece on Friday afternoon, yesterday morning, and again today.  Since she was staying at my parent's house this weekend, I took full advantage of having Sarah and Auntie time every single day.  My sister, her husband and daughter live in Boston, which is a three hour car ride away.  We don't usually see one another very often, so when we do, we like to spend as much time together as possible before it's time to say goodbye.  

Sarah's growing rapidly.  It seems like even as just a few weeks go by, she's saying more than she did the last time.  It is pure joy to watch a 20 month old explore the world.  Every encounter with everything and anyone is new and exciting.  She never gets tired of asking, "why?" or "what's that?"  or today's famous, "where did it go?"  

It was a ball watching her with my parents as they chased one another around the front yard yelling and screaming and laughing.  She'd fall down and lay in the grass, and a few times, my mom joined her.  Her laughs are contagious and it is impossible not to laugh with her.  

Here are my top favorite things about Sarah this weekend:

1. We used sidewalk chalk to draw on the driveway.  She had an amazing way of unloading the entire carton of chalk, asking you to draw more with more colors.  

2. Pizza makes everything better.  

3. Standing on line for coffee at the Bear Mountain Inn.  I couldn't believe how patient she was!

4.  Walking through the zoo making animal noises.  The kid can say coyote.  I was impressed. ;) 

5. When my parents pulled into the driveway after a day at the zoo, she exclaims, "We're home!"

6. She has the sweetest way of saying "no" all day long.'s that phase! haha

7. She had to count every single one of the lights in front of my parents house.  About 10 times a day. 

8. She loves dressing up and wore a tutu over her clothes all weekend.

9.  If you ask her for hugs and kisses, she'll give you one.

10.  Hearing her little voice say, "I love you" will make you melt.  After she says that, you'll basically do anything she wants. 

It was a good weekend. :)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Happy Birthday to my Sister!

Today is a very special, important's my sister, Allyson's birthday!  If you don't know her, she's a beautiful woman, both inside and out.  She's got a heart of gold that she wears on her sleeve.  She's insanely independent, and will always put others before herself.  She was that sister who would be hard on me because she always wanted the best for me, but would stand up for me if I needed some back up.  She was the one who gave me endless amounts of advice on school, life, love and everything else.  She was the one who told me everything would be okay when I thought my world was going to end.  She's a hero in my eyes.

I couldn't be more thankful for her and the gift of her daughter that she has shared with my entire family.  She's raising Sarah to be a sweet, gentle, loving and happy baby.  I'm not sure that I could say that she could do anymore, because her daughter is just that happy.  

We may have our differences, but there's more about us that is the same than different.  She gets me better than anyone else, and I can't imagine my life without her.  The 3 hour traveling distance between us makes it difficult for us to see one another all the time, but when we do get back together it's like we never missed a beat.  

So today, especially, and every day, Ally, know that I love you for the woman you are.  You are the best sister anyone could have ever had, and I am so lucky to call you my best friend, too.  I hope you had an amazing weekend in the city, and I can't wait to celebrate with you, soon!  

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


A Small Moment in the Classroom

We had just sent our students off to work in small groups when one student approached me with red, glassy eyes, that were beginning to tear up. He started speaking, his voice shaky, and managed to get out that he need to "speak to {deep breath} both of his teachers about {deep breath} staying organized."

Sensing that the floodgates would open at any second, I whisked him outside and asked him what was wrong. As soon as I opened my classroom door, a rush of tears came streaming down his face. His nose was also running and he was trying to keep it together but couldn't. He stared at me with his big blue eyes and my heart. just. sank...  I wanted to cry with him. I hate seeing my students upset. I'm so sensitive that I feel like crying right alongside them.

"I'm having a problem staying organized. I keep forgetting my homework folder and my supplies. I'm at my mom's house a few nights and then I'm at my dad's house. I just don't know what to do and I need help. It's really hard." Poor W managed to get all of that out in bits and pieces as he fought back tears, wiped his nose with the back of his hand, and took a few deep breaths.

And now tears were really welling up in my eyes.

I wanted to hug him and tell him that "everything would be ok." I remember seeing his dad's "student information" sheet. Dad explained his recent divorce over the summer and how W was having a hard time with the transition.

We calmed W down right away and this is where we threw on the many hats that teachers wear. In that instant, we became moms, guidance counselors, friends, coaches, and shoulders to cry on.

I experience these breakdowns more than a few times a year with my students. For some reason, parents seem to get divorced as soon as their kid turns ten. Maybe they think their kids are old enough to handle it? Who knows. But it's heartbreaking and kids are far from being able to handle it... if anything, middle school makes the situation that. much. worse.

I don't consider days like this one bad, hard, or tough... they're absolutely heart wrenching. It's all I can think about for the rest of the day, on my drive home from work, cooking dinner, preparing for tomorrow, and the list goes on. It was the first thing I told my husband tonight.

Growing up is hard. Being a student is hard. Having a stable family means everything. I'm reminded of it every day. Every day for the past eight years, since having my own classroom, I've realized how LUCKY I am to have such amazing parents. They provided such a loving, caring, warm, stable home life for me and I only wish that all of my students could have the same thing.

Today was a heart wrenching day, but I can't wait to get back into the classroom tomorrow to help my students feel safe, loved, and cared for in our stable classroom environment.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Holding a Newborn Today!

Today I was finally able to visit my best friend, Frances, to welcome her new bundle of joy into the world... Baby Chase! Baby Chase arrived almost a month early and is a healthy, happy, beautiful little boy. Frances' due date was planned for tomorrow, September 15th, and as I held him in my arms, I couldn't imagine that little boy being in her belly for that long. He is SO precious and especially hard to put down. I just wanted to keep holding him, all while staring at his perfect little features. Obviously, this visit made me eager to meet my sister's baby in November, and of course, very eager to meet our little one in January. Time is flying and I know it will be here in no time. I just can't wait!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Home Sweet Home!

Being "on-the-go" has made me crave "being home." We were in Florida for a while and then I stayed at my sister's house... and I couldn't wait to come home. I missed my bed, I missed the walls of our apartment, and I missed my little routine. I've always been a homebody, someone who enjoys the simple pleasures of being at home, and as summer comes to a close, I find myself wanting to soak up "home" as much as possible. 

Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me? It could just be another pregnancy symptom! ;-)

Friday, August 15, 2014

High Five for Friday: My Sister's Baby Shower!

Happy Friday! I came home from our vacation in Florida and hurried to finish up last minute stuff for my sister's baby shower. I loved every minute of planning the shower and had that much more fun decorating! 

Here are a few highlights from our day (and night!) of decorating (more to come on the actual shower!):

1. I walked in to find my sister icing over 100 mini cupcakes in pink and blue frosting. She looked exhausted already and we still had so much to do! 

2. We began by decorating her mantle first. After finding various story book themed photos on Pinterest throughout the planning process, I knew we needed to incorporate this vision. The mantle came out incredibly cute!

3. Being that the shower was story book themed and guests were asked to bring a book, I envisioned a book station with book crates and stuffed animals. This table was one of my favorite "decorations" and it was completely filled with books by the end of the shower! SO fun!

4. One of the things that I was most excited about was hanging the "monthly onesies" along with favorite book covers on a clothesline. We hung three of these in Rosie's living room and dining room. It was a big hit and I was thrilled at how it came out! 

5. Another fun decoration was making the "Who's that Baby?" Hungry Caterpillar. We had anticipated to mimic the caterpillars large arch, but couldn't fit that on the given wall and we were worried about people seeing the photos. Here's our Hungry Caterpillar version:

This was a super Fun Friday! More baby shower posts to come! 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

We're Having a Baby!!!

We announced our pregnancy to "the world" on Saturday, our one year wedding anniversary. We've been dreaming about starting our own family for years and we're beyond thrilled to be expecting our first child together! The moments that we've experienced over the past few months have been absolutely incredible

When Amanda and I started this blog, I swore that I wouldn't blog constantly about teaching, my classroom, or my wedding. If you follow us regularly, you would know that I try to sprinkle those posts in, but I do, admittedly, go through spurts... writing more than a few posts about those life topics sometimes. (I blogged a lot about classroom stuff this summer!) Holding true to that original belief, I don't want my blogs to consistently be about my pregnancy. I will, for sure, sprinkle some posts in here and there. 

We're over the moon excited and there are no words to describe how amazing it is to be sharing in this journey with my husband, life partner, best friend, and soul mate. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Celebrating Our Anniversary

We spent our one year wedding anniversary on Boca Grande beach in Florida. The water was like bath water, the palm trees were swaying with the beautiful breeze, and it was deliciously quiet. Relaxation at its best! My idea of heaven!

One of my favorite moments of the day:
 Quiet moments at night, as we opened and read beautiful anniversary cards from our parents and loved ones. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Obsessed with the Dress: Part II

In January, I blogged about my wedding gown obsession and how horrified I was when my husband suggested that I box up my gorgeous dress. At that point, we had been married for about five months and my gown was hanging on the door of our guest bedroom... and I wasn't ready to let go. I enjoyed every single stare down that I had with it!

Yesterday, while celebrating our anniversary on the beach, my husband decided to bring up the conversation again. In the ocean. We, of course, were reminiscing about our big day and yet again, nonchalantly, my husband asked, "so does this mean you're packing up your dress soon?" I squealed at first and then shouted, "Oh my god!" He flashed back a HUGE smile and we both laughed. I continued to dramatically state, "I can't believe you asked me that on our one year anniversary." He continued to laugh... and so did I. He knows my answer! It was definitely a small moment that I won't forget! 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

One Year Wedding Anniversary & Our Wedding Video!

Today's our ONE YEAR wedding anniversary! This year has truly flown by and I can't believe our big day was already one whole year ago. We're celebrating our anniversary in Florida and we're flooded with memories of what this day was like a year ago. We're reminiscing about everything - getting ready, traveling to the venue, our first look, taking photos before the rain came, the beautiful ceremony and all of our favorite moments thereafter. What an amazing day! Today has been an emotional day for sure - so many memories that bring back smile after smile, laugh after laugh, and of course, tears of happiness. 

Many people comment on the fact that I "can't let our wedding day go" and I think that's because Paulie and I have been together forever (since high school). I always dreamed about what our wedding day would be like and after living through it, I never thought it would be as stunning, spectacular, and dreamy as it was. This has been an incredible year of "firsts" and our journey together gets better and better.

Today I'm sharing our wedding video by the amazing Fairy Tale Studios - please check out their website!  David captures your story perfectly and you instantly fall in love over and over again when watching your big day on the screen. His work is breathtaking. If you live in the NY, CT, NJ region, be sure to check them out!

PS- We have celebrated on the 9th of each month and I always receive something special. Cards are my favorite! 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Year Ago... Our Wedding Weekend!

A year ago today, I was driving in the car with my mom and soon-to-be husband. We drove from place to place to drop off wedding "stuff" and to review last minute details. We met with the florist, we visited with the DJ, we dropped off a bunch of "stuff" at our venue and at the hotel... and I was finally able to say, "whatever will be, will be." Everything was, pretty much, officially out of my hands. I felt a roller coaster of different emotions! Yes, I was relieved. But, I was also nervous, anxious, and excited at the very same time. 

Last night, I drove down to Westchester, NY with my husband and I took a similar ride with my mom today. The memories and emotions came roaring back to life. These next few days will be filled with phrases like, "Last year at this time, we were..." and we'll probably laugh and cry as we reminisce. Our wedding weekend was filled with the absolute best moments of our lives that we've experienced so far. 

And now I'll go stare at my gown for a little while... ;-)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Our Wedding Story Through Our Photographer's Eyes!

Today we received a huge surprise! Our wedding photographer blogged about our big day on her blog. SO EXCITING! I've realized over the past year, that even though my big wedding day has passed, the wedding-related excitement, anticipation, and surprises are still happening and there's still so much to look forward to! Future Brides, have no fear! You might think your fairy tale is over, but gosh, the fun is just beginning!

Our amazing wedding photographer, Amanda Picone, is based out of Long Island, NY and she is an absolute dream to work with. If you're looking for a photographer to document your big milestones, please check her out! You'll fall in love with her immediately! I promise!

It's quite interesting to see how your photographer and videographer tell "your story" through pictures. I fall in love over and over again when I look at my wedding photos, my gorgeous album, and my stunning wedding video. Each one tells a unique story. Amanda's blog post did the same thing and I love the words that she used to explain our day. Click here to check it out! 

Thank you so much, Amanda! We love you!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

{Soul Pancake} The Science of Happiness: The Secret to a Happy Family

Have you ever had a time where you watch a video...a a card...something and it brings tears to your eyes?  This video did it for me.  I'm not a parent, but I am someone's child.  I am also a teacher, working with kids every single day, looking out for their well-being.  My students talk to me about many things, including their worries, fears, anxieties, excitements, and loves, among other things.  My students tell me things about their families (maybe much more than you as a parent may realize...I have heard about fights between moms and dads, and other things you'd wish your little ones didn't repeat).  Regardless, I know that each family dynamic is quite different, but at the root of it all, your kids just want you to spend time with them.  You may be busy with work and other things in life, but you may be surprised as you watch this video what kids are really thinking!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Happy Birthday to My Husband!

Happy Birthday to the man of my life, the king of my dreams, and the mate of my soul.

Today and every day I celebrate you!

When I tell you… I love you, it’s not out of habit. I say it to remind you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

When I tell you… thank you, it’s not out of habit. I say it because I am amazed that you never give up on me or my dreams and that you are selfless when it comes to family and future.

When I tell you… you are my best friend, it’s not out of habit. It’s because I value your input, your outlook, your knowledge, and your love.

When I tell you… you inspire me, it’s not out of habit. It’s because your work ethic and your self-discipline are qualities I pray our future children will have.

When I tell you Happy Birthday… it’s because this is the happiest day. It’s the day I get to celebrate your accomplishments, your faith, your love, your motivation and your desire to make others happy. Most importantly, I get to celebrate you and the day that God made me the luckiest girl in the world.

I love you, Paulie! I know few things for sure, but I am certain, I am the luckiest! Sharing my life with you is the greatest gift of my life. 

Happy Birthday! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Power of a 15 Second Kiss

While on Facebook today, I stumbled upon the blog post "the 15 Second Kiss" from the bloggers of Fierce Marriage.  Fierce Marriage is written by a blogging couple who have been married for over ten years.  Their blog is focused on marriage and love, and keeping things healthy. I know, I know...I'm not married, but I hope to be someday.  I also think it's important to know how to keep a good relationship going, and to keep the fire going when you've been together for a long time.

I clicked the link to the 15 Second Kiss.  The concept isn't really all that difficult.  Ryan (the husband of the blogging team) had met a couple who had been married for many years.  When he asked the man what his secret was to staying with his wife for so long, he responded with "a daily kiss that lasts for at least 15 seconds."  What a response!  He claimed that you can't fake a 15 second kiss. You're forced to make a connection with your partner!

When a relationship is new, you can't help but want to be close to your partner.  As time goes by, sometimes we forget how incredible the other person is, because we're just completely consumed with life.  But...if you're forced to kiss your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend for 15 seconds or more, you're forced to be reminded of why you fell in love with him or her in the first place!

I really encourage you to read the Fierce Marriage blog.  They really discuss everything, from a male perspective, female perspective, finances, sex, commitment, and more.  

Do you think you'll try the 15 Second Kiss?   Click over to Fierce Marriage to read Ryan's original post!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

I'm a Lucky Girl

I was going to save this blog post for my "High Five for Friday" post, but I decided that it should get a post all of it's own.  

My boyfriend and I are both teachers, and we are lucky enough to share the same vacation schedule, so when we knew spring break was coming up, we decided to take a little getaway to Atlantic City.  It's about 3 hours away, so it's a perfect drive.  We stayed at Harrah's Resort and Casino, and had an amazing time!  

We arrived late Wednesday afternoon, and were able to enjoy an amazing dinner the first night together.  After some exploring, we were a bit tired, and decided to retire for the evening.

This morning, I was woken up to Marc jumping on me (thanks, babe ;), telling me it was time to get up!  After I woke up, he told me that the most important time of the day was 5:00, because he had made an appointment for me to go get a massage at the spa!  Wow...I was shocked and so excited!!  I hadn't expected it, but with all the craziness of work, it was something I really needed.

At 5:00, we made our way to the Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa.  I was whisked away into the back as Marc finished making the arrangements at the front.  I was able to relax in a lounge and read a magazine which I haven't had the time to do in months.  Then my massage therapist brought me to the treatment room, where I was treated to an 80 minute massage.  It was the best massage I've ever had!  They made sure to help me relax from the top of my head to my toes!

After the massage, I headed into the spa area, where they had a hot tub complete with a fireplace and lounge chairs.  I relaxed for a little while, and then decided I better get back to Marc and tell him how amazing his treat was over dinner!

Treats and surprises are my favorite things.  This was by far, more than I ever expected...but the relaxation and getaway was truly necessary!

Thank you, Marc.  I'm so lucky to have you!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Benjamin Franklin Effect

You know I love Soul Pancake.  I've blogged about it before, and I love the new series, The Science of Love.  The filmmakers take ordinary couples, and have them live through an experiment.  This particular one had one partner think about things they really liked about the other one.  Just by doing this activity, the partners were more attracted to one another.

Which brings me to another idea.  Relationships grow and change.  They evolve, and honeymoon phases fade out, you see beyond the aura of love, and begin to know the real person.  BUT that doesn't mean that things need to be different, or that the chemistry needs to die.  Relationships take work.  Are you willing to put the time and effort in to make yours last?

If you said yes, then I have a piece of advice: tell the person you love every so often why you love them.  It could be something as simple as saying you love their cooking, you love their sense of humor, or how they're always there for you.  It may be hard at first, but the more you let them know that you love them, the more valued they are going to feel.  Flowers die, chocolates get eaten...but the words you say will last a lifetime.

Monday, April 14, 2014


I was inspired by Humans of New York to write this post tonight.  HONY posted this photo earlier today. 

Read the caption...

These two were acting like complete teenagers. When I walked up, she was nuzzling her head against his shoulder. She giggled the entire time I talked with them, while he kept a big goofy grin on his face. And whenever I asked about their relationship, she clutched his arm, looked at him just like this, giggled, then said: “We’re not telling!”

I mean, really?! How stinkin' cute! 

I love seeing old elderly couples in love. They're just too cute. I blogged about this once before, right here.

I LOVE her face!

 Elderly couples are heartwarming evidence of how strong and lasting love can be.

These are people who care so much about one another.

These are people who have made it through all the trials and tribulations in their lives and still love each other.

These are the people that speak to the power of love, the power of forever.

Oh my lord...CRYING!

Best movie ever!

As I was searching for cute elderly couples photos, I came across a video from this website, posted nearly a year ago. The video showcases four elderly couples who not only share their love stories, but also dance to their wedding song. Grab a tissue! 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Not a Bad Thing: Follow Up

About a week ago, I blogged about the song, Not a Bad Thing.  Have you seen Justin Timberlake's new video for "Not a Bad Thing?"  Well, if you haven't, he's created a documentary video to go along with the song instead of a traditional music video, because he's searching for a couple!  The couple got engaged on a Long Island Railroad train bound for New York City to his song.  He's looking for this couple, and he's doing it through the video.  Take a look!   You have to watch this...and who knows...#haveyouseenthiscouple? :)  I love this video, and I think you will, too!

Dawn and I are taking part in the "Be.YOU.tiful Lifestyle Link Party" this week. Click over to Fry Sauce and Grits to read more!

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Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The best feeling in the world.

The best feeling in the world is feeling your baby move inside of you!

 Prior to this week, I felt only flutters of movement and now I'm starting to feel like this baby is practicing martial arts inside my belly. The initial fluttering movements that I felt a few weeks ago have definitely turned into full-fledged kicks and nudges. Movement picked up as each day carried on this week and every night I'd call for my husband to run into our bedroom... "Hurry, put your hand here. Do you feel it?" and the baby would stop moving. It was really frustrating! 

We played the "hurry, come in here" game a few times yesterday afternoon and finally my husband felt the baby moving and kicking! It was the absolute best experience in the whole entire world. I will never, ever, ever forget that moment for as long as I live. Grow, baby, grow so that we can meet you soon!

Pure Joy.

I saw my niece on Friday afternoon, yesterday morning, and again today.  Since she was staying at my parent's house this weekend, I took full advantage of having Sarah and Auntie time every single day.  My sister, her husband and daughter live in Boston, which is a three hour car ride away.  We don't usually see one another very often, so when we do, we like to spend as much time together as possible before it's time to say goodbye.  

Sarah's growing rapidly.  It seems like even as just a few weeks go by, she's saying more than she did the last time.  It is pure joy to watch a 20 month old explore the world.  Every encounter with everything and anyone is new and exciting.  She never gets tired of asking, "why?" or "what's that?"  or today's famous, "where did it go?"  

It was a ball watching her with my parents as they chased one another around the front yard yelling and screaming and laughing.  She'd fall down and lay in the grass, and a few times, my mom joined her.  Her laughs are contagious and it is impossible not to laugh with her.  

Here are my top favorite things about Sarah this weekend:

1. We used sidewalk chalk to draw on the driveway.  She had an amazing way of unloading the entire carton of chalk, asking you to draw more with more colors.  

2. Pizza makes everything better.  

3. Standing on line for coffee at the Bear Mountain Inn.  I couldn't believe how patient she was!

4.  Walking through the zoo making animal noises.  The kid can say coyote.  I was impressed. ;) 

5. When my parents pulled into the driveway after a day at the zoo, she exclaims, "We're home!"

6. She has the sweetest way of saying "no" all day long.'s that phase! haha

7. She had to count every single one of the lights in front of my parents house.  About 10 times a day. 

8. She loves dressing up and wore a tutu over her clothes all weekend.

9.  If you ask her for hugs and kisses, she'll give you one.

10.  Hearing her little voice say, "I love you" will make you melt.  After she says that, you'll basically do anything she wants. 

It was a good weekend. :)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Happy Birthday to my Sister!

Today is a very special, important's my sister, Allyson's birthday!  If you don't know her, she's a beautiful woman, both inside and out.  She's got a heart of gold that she wears on her sleeve.  She's insanely independent, and will always put others before herself.  She was that sister who would be hard on me because she always wanted the best for me, but would stand up for me if I needed some back up.  She was the one who gave me endless amounts of advice on school, life, love and everything else.  She was the one who told me everything would be okay when I thought my world was going to end.  She's a hero in my eyes.

I couldn't be more thankful for her and the gift of her daughter that she has shared with my entire family.  She's raising Sarah to be a sweet, gentle, loving and happy baby.  I'm not sure that I could say that she could do anymore, because her daughter is just that happy.  

We may have our differences, but there's more about us that is the same than different.  She gets me better than anyone else, and I can't imagine my life without her.  The 3 hour traveling distance between us makes it difficult for us to see one another all the time, but when we do get back together it's like we never missed a beat.  

So today, especially, and every day, Ally, know that I love you for the woman you are.  You are the best sister anyone could have ever had, and I am so lucky to call you my best friend, too.  I hope you had an amazing weekend in the city, and I can't wait to celebrate with you, soon!  

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


A Small Moment in the Classroom

We had just sent our students off to work in small groups when one student approached me with red, glassy eyes, that were beginning to tear up. He started speaking, his voice shaky, and managed to get out that he need to "speak to {deep breath} both of his teachers about {deep breath} staying organized."

Sensing that the floodgates would open at any second, I whisked him outside and asked him what was wrong. As soon as I opened my classroom door, a rush of tears came streaming down his face. His nose was also running and he was trying to keep it together but couldn't. He stared at me with his big blue eyes and my heart. just. sank...  I wanted to cry with him. I hate seeing my students upset. I'm so sensitive that I feel like crying right alongside them.

"I'm having a problem staying organized. I keep forgetting my homework folder and my supplies. I'm at my mom's house a few nights and then I'm at my dad's house. I just don't know what to do and I need help. It's really hard." Poor W managed to get all of that out in bits and pieces as he fought back tears, wiped his nose with the back of his hand, and took a few deep breaths.

And now tears were really welling up in my eyes.

I wanted to hug him and tell him that "everything would be ok." I remember seeing his dad's "student information" sheet. Dad explained his recent divorce over the summer and how W was having a hard time with the transition.

We calmed W down right away and this is where we threw on the many hats that teachers wear. In that instant, we became moms, guidance counselors, friends, coaches, and shoulders to cry on.

I experience these breakdowns more than a few times a year with my students. For some reason, parents seem to get divorced as soon as their kid turns ten. Maybe they think their kids are old enough to handle it? Who knows. But it's heartbreaking and kids are far from being able to handle it... if anything, middle school makes the situation that. much. worse.

I don't consider days like this one bad, hard, or tough... they're absolutely heart wrenching. It's all I can think about for the rest of the day, on my drive home from work, cooking dinner, preparing for tomorrow, and the list goes on. It was the first thing I told my husband tonight.

Growing up is hard. Being a student is hard. Having a stable family means everything. I'm reminded of it every day. Every day for the past eight years, since having my own classroom, I've realized how LUCKY I am to have such amazing parents. They provided such a loving, caring, warm, stable home life for me and I only wish that all of my students could have the same thing.

Today was a heart wrenching day, but I can't wait to get back into the classroom tomorrow to help my students feel safe, loved, and cared for in our stable classroom environment.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Holding a Newborn Today!

Today I was finally able to visit my best friend, Frances, to welcome her new bundle of joy into the world... Baby Chase! Baby Chase arrived almost a month early and is a healthy, happy, beautiful little boy. Frances' due date was planned for tomorrow, September 15th, and as I held him in my arms, I couldn't imagine that little boy being in her belly for that long. He is SO precious and especially hard to put down. I just wanted to keep holding him, all while staring at his perfect little features. Obviously, this visit made me eager to meet my sister's baby in November, and of course, very eager to meet our little one in January. Time is flying and I know it will be here in no time. I just can't wait!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Home Sweet Home!

Being "on-the-go" has made me crave "being home." We were in Florida for a while and then I stayed at my sister's house... and I couldn't wait to come home. I missed my bed, I missed the walls of our apartment, and I missed my little routine. I've always been a homebody, someone who enjoys the simple pleasures of being at home, and as summer comes to a close, I find myself wanting to soak up "home" as much as possible. 

Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me? It could just be another pregnancy symptom! ;-)

Friday, August 15, 2014

High Five for Friday: My Sister's Baby Shower!

Happy Friday! I came home from our vacation in Florida and hurried to finish up last minute stuff for my sister's baby shower. I loved every minute of planning the shower and had that much more fun decorating! 

Here are a few highlights from our day (and night!) of decorating (more to come on the actual shower!):

1. I walked in to find my sister icing over 100 mini cupcakes in pink and blue frosting. She looked exhausted already and we still had so much to do! 

2. We began by decorating her mantle first. After finding various story book themed photos on Pinterest throughout the planning process, I knew we needed to incorporate this vision. The mantle came out incredibly cute!

3. Being that the shower was story book themed and guests were asked to bring a book, I envisioned a book station with book crates and stuffed animals. This table was one of my favorite "decorations" and it was completely filled with books by the end of the shower! SO fun!

4. One of the things that I was most excited about was hanging the "monthly onesies" along with favorite book covers on a clothesline. We hung three of these in Rosie's living room and dining room. It was a big hit and I was thrilled at how it came out! 

5. Another fun decoration was making the "Who's that Baby?" Hungry Caterpillar. We had anticipated to mimic the caterpillars large arch, but couldn't fit that on the given wall and we were worried about people seeing the photos. Here's our Hungry Caterpillar version:

This was a super Fun Friday! More baby shower posts to come! 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

We're Having a Baby!!!

We announced our pregnancy to "the world" on Saturday, our one year wedding anniversary. We've been dreaming about starting our own family for years and we're beyond thrilled to be expecting our first child together! The moments that we've experienced over the past few months have been absolutely incredible

When Amanda and I started this blog, I swore that I wouldn't blog constantly about teaching, my classroom, or my wedding. If you follow us regularly, you would know that I try to sprinkle those posts in, but I do, admittedly, go through spurts... writing more than a few posts about those life topics sometimes. (I blogged a lot about classroom stuff this summer!) Holding true to that original belief, I don't want my blogs to consistently be about my pregnancy. I will, for sure, sprinkle some posts in here and there. 

We're over the moon excited and there are no words to describe how amazing it is to be sharing in this journey with my husband, life partner, best friend, and soul mate. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Celebrating Our Anniversary

We spent our one year wedding anniversary on Boca Grande beach in Florida. The water was like bath water, the palm trees were swaying with the beautiful breeze, and it was deliciously quiet. Relaxation at its best! My idea of heaven!

One of my favorite moments of the day:
 Quiet moments at night, as we opened and read beautiful anniversary cards from our parents and loved ones. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Obsessed with the Dress: Part II

In January, I blogged about my wedding gown obsession and how horrified I was when my husband suggested that I box up my gorgeous dress. At that point, we had been married for about five months and my gown was hanging on the door of our guest bedroom... and I wasn't ready to let go. I enjoyed every single stare down that I had with it!

Yesterday, while celebrating our anniversary on the beach, my husband decided to bring up the conversation again. In the ocean. We, of course, were reminiscing about our big day and yet again, nonchalantly, my husband asked, "so does this mean you're packing up your dress soon?" I squealed at first and then shouted, "Oh my god!" He flashed back a HUGE smile and we both laughed. I continued to dramatically state, "I can't believe you asked me that on our one year anniversary." He continued to laugh... and so did I. He knows my answer! It was definitely a small moment that I won't forget! 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

One Year Wedding Anniversary & Our Wedding Video!

Today's our ONE YEAR wedding anniversary! This year has truly flown by and I can't believe our big day was already one whole year ago. We're celebrating our anniversary in Florida and we're flooded with memories of what this day was like a year ago. We're reminiscing about everything - getting ready, traveling to the venue, our first look, taking photos before the rain came, the beautiful ceremony and all of our favorite moments thereafter. What an amazing day! Today has been an emotional day for sure - so many memories that bring back smile after smile, laugh after laugh, and of course, tears of happiness. 

Many people comment on the fact that I "can't let our wedding day go" and I think that's because Paulie and I have been together forever (since high school). I always dreamed about what our wedding day would be like and after living through it, I never thought it would be as stunning, spectacular, and dreamy as it was. This has been an incredible year of "firsts" and our journey together gets better and better.

Today I'm sharing our wedding video by the amazing Fairy Tale Studios - please check out their website!  David captures your story perfectly and you instantly fall in love over and over again when watching your big day on the screen. His work is breathtaking. If you live in the NY, CT, NJ region, be sure to check them out!

PS- We have celebrated on the 9th of each month and I always receive something special. Cards are my favorite! 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Year Ago... Our Wedding Weekend!

A year ago today, I was driving in the car with my mom and soon-to-be husband. We drove from place to place to drop off wedding "stuff" and to review last minute details. We met with the florist, we visited with the DJ, we dropped off a bunch of "stuff" at our venue and at the hotel... and I was finally able to say, "whatever will be, will be." Everything was, pretty much, officially out of my hands. I felt a roller coaster of different emotions! Yes, I was relieved. But, I was also nervous, anxious, and excited at the very same time. 

Last night, I drove down to Westchester, NY with my husband and I took a similar ride with my mom today. The memories and emotions came roaring back to life. These next few days will be filled with phrases like, "Last year at this time, we were..." and we'll probably laugh and cry as we reminisce. Our wedding weekend was filled with the absolute best moments of our lives that we've experienced so far. 

And now I'll go stare at my gown for a little while... ;-)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Our Wedding Story Through Our Photographer's Eyes!

Today we received a huge surprise! Our wedding photographer blogged about our big day on her blog. SO EXCITING! I've realized over the past year, that even though my big wedding day has passed, the wedding-related excitement, anticipation, and surprises are still happening and there's still so much to look forward to! Future Brides, have no fear! You might think your fairy tale is over, but gosh, the fun is just beginning!

Our amazing wedding photographer, Amanda Picone, is based out of Long Island, NY and she is an absolute dream to work with. If you're looking for a photographer to document your big milestones, please check her out! You'll fall in love with her immediately! I promise!

It's quite interesting to see how your photographer and videographer tell "your story" through pictures. I fall in love over and over again when I look at my wedding photos, my gorgeous album, and my stunning wedding video. Each one tells a unique story. Amanda's blog post did the same thing and I love the words that she used to explain our day. Click here to check it out! 

Thank you so much, Amanda! We love you!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

{Soul Pancake} The Science of Happiness: The Secret to a Happy Family

Have you ever had a time where you watch a video...a a card...something and it brings tears to your eyes?  This video did it for me.  I'm not a parent, but I am someone's child.  I am also a teacher, working with kids every single day, looking out for their well-being.  My students talk to me about many things, including their worries, fears, anxieties, excitements, and loves, among other things.  My students tell me things about their families (maybe much more than you as a parent may realize...I have heard about fights between moms and dads, and other things you'd wish your little ones didn't repeat).  Regardless, I know that each family dynamic is quite different, but at the root of it all, your kids just want you to spend time with them.  You may be busy with work and other things in life, but you may be surprised as you watch this video what kids are really thinking!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Happy Birthday to My Husband!

Happy Birthday to the man of my life, the king of my dreams, and the mate of my soul.

Today and every day I celebrate you!

When I tell you… I love you, it’s not out of habit. I say it to remind you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

When I tell you… thank you, it’s not out of habit. I say it because I am amazed that you never give up on me or my dreams and that you are selfless when it comes to family and future.

When I tell you… you are my best friend, it’s not out of habit. It’s because I value your input, your outlook, your knowledge, and your love.

When I tell you… you inspire me, it’s not out of habit. It’s because your work ethic and your self-discipline are qualities I pray our future children will have.

When I tell you Happy Birthday… it’s because this is the happiest day. It’s the day I get to celebrate your accomplishments, your faith, your love, your motivation and your desire to make others happy. Most importantly, I get to celebrate you and the day that God made me the luckiest girl in the world.

I love you, Paulie! I know few things for sure, but I am certain, I am the luckiest! Sharing my life with you is the greatest gift of my life. 

Happy Birthday! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Power of a 15 Second Kiss

While on Facebook today, I stumbled upon the blog post "the 15 Second Kiss" from the bloggers of Fierce Marriage.  Fierce Marriage is written by a blogging couple who have been married for over ten years.  Their blog is focused on marriage and love, and keeping things healthy. I know, I know...I'm not married, but I hope to be someday.  I also think it's important to know how to keep a good relationship going, and to keep the fire going when you've been together for a long time.

I clicked the link to the 15 Second Kiss.  The concept isn't really all that difficult.  Ryan (the husband of the blogging team) had met a couple who had been married for many years.  When he asked the man what his secret was to staying with his wife for so long, he responded with "a daily kiss that lasts for at least 15 seconds."  What a response!  He claimed that you can't fake a 15 second kiss. You're forced to make a connection with your partner!

When a relationship is new, you can't help but want to be close to your partner.  As time goes by, sometimes we forget how incredible the other person is, because we're just completely consumed with life.  But...if you're forced to kiss your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend for 15 seconds or more, you're forced to be reminded of why you fell in love with him or her in the first place!

I really encourage you to read the Fierce Marriage blog.  They really discuss everything, from a male perspective, female perspective, finances, sex, commitment, and more.  

Do you think you'll try the 15 Second Kiss?   Click over to Fierce Marriage to read Ryan's original post!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

I'm a Lucky Girl

I was going to save this blog post for my "High Five for Friday" post, but I decided that it should get a post all of it's own.  

My boyfriend and I are both teachers, and we are lucky enough to share the same vacation schedule, so when we knew spring break was coming up, we decided to take a little getaway to Atlantic City.  It's about 3 hours away, so it's a perfect drive.  We stayed at Harrah's Resort and Casino, and had an amazing time!  

We arrived late Wednesday afternoon, and were able to enjoy an amazing dinner the first night together.  After some exploring, we were a bit tired, and decided to retire for the evening.

This morning, I was woken up to Marc jumping on me (thanks, babe ;), telling me it was time to get up!  After I woke up, he told me that the most important time of the day was 5:00, because he had made an appointment for me to go get a massage at the spa!  Wow...I was shocked and so excited!!  I hadn't expected it, but with all the craziness of work, it was something I really needed.

At 5:00, we made our way to the Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa.  I was whisked away into the back as Marc finished making the arrangements at the front.  I was able to relax in a lounge and read a magazine which I haven't had the time to do in months.  Then my massage therapist brought me to the treatment room, where I was treated to an 80 minute massage.  It was the best massage I've ever had!  They made sure to help me relax from the top of my head to my toes!

After the massage, I headed into the spa area, where they had a hot tub complete with a fireplace and lounge chairs.  I relaxed for a little while, and then decided I better get back to Marc and tell him how amazing his treat was over dinner!

Treats and surprises are my favorite things.  This was by far, more than I ever expected...but the relaxation and getaway was truly necessary!

Thank you, Marc.  I'm so lucky to have you!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Benjamin Franklin Effect

You know I love Soul Pancake.  I've blogged about it before, and I love the new series, The Science of Love.  The filmmakers take ordinary couples, and have them live through an experiment.  This particular one had one partner think about things they really liked about the other one.  Just by doing this activity, the partners were more attracted to one another.

Which brings me to another idea.  Relationships grow and change.  They evolve, and honeymoon phases fade out, you see beyond the aura of love, and begin to know the real person.  BUT that doesn't mean that things need to be different, or that the chemistry needs to die.  Relationships take work.  Are you willing to put the time and effort in to make yours last?

If you said yes, then I have a piece of advice: tell the person you love every so often why you love them.  It could be something as simple as saying you love their cooking, you love their sense of humor, or how they're always there for you.  It may be hard at first, but the more you let them know that you love them, the more valued they are going to feel.  Flowers die, chocolates get eaten...but the words you say will last a lifetime.

Monday, April 14, 2014


I was inspired by Humans of New York to write this post tonight.  HONY posted this photo earlier today. 

Read the caption...

These two were acting like complete teenagers. When I walked up, she was nuzzling her head against his shoulder. She giggled the entire time I talked with them, while he kept a big goofy grin on his face. And whenever I asked about their relationship, she clutched his arm, looked at him just like this, giggled, then said: “We’re not telling!”

I mean, really?! How stinkin' cute! 

I love seeing old elderly couples in love. They're just too cute. I blogged about this once before, right here.

I LOVE her face!

 Elderly couples are heartwarming evidence of how strong and lasting love can be.

These are people who care so much about one another.

These are people who have made it through all the trials and tribulations in their lives and still love each other.

These are the people that speak to the power of love, the power of forever.

Oh my lord...CRYING!

Best movie ever!

As I was searching for cute elderly couples photos, I came across a video from this website, posted nearly a year ago. The video showcases four elderly couples who not only share their love stories, but also dance to their wedding song. Grab a tissue! 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Not a Bad Thing: Follow Up

About a week ago, I blogged about the song, Not a Bad Thing.  Have you seen Justin Timberlake's new video for "Not a Bad Thing?"  Well, if you haven't, he's created a documentary video to go along with the song instead of a traditional music video, because he's searching for a couple!  The couple got engaged on a Long Island Railroad train bound for New York City to his song.  He's looking for this couple, and he's doing it through the video.  Take a look!   You have to watch this...and who knows...#haveyouseenthiscouple? :)  I love this video, and I think you will, too!

Dawn and I are taking part in the "Be.YOU.tiful Lifestyle Link Party" this week. Click over to Fry Sauce and Grits to read more!