And lasts for decades...

As I said, I'm talking about love this month! The hopeless romantic in me always thinks of this movie whenever I think of love. The Notebook captures true, honest and real love. The kind of love my grandparents shared (on both sides).
Everyone deserves someone who loves them unconditionally. I hope to be in a relationship like the one that Noah and Allie shared. You may say that my thinking is unrealistic, but I could argue with you forever.
My grandfather on my mother's side fell in love with my grandma from the moment he set eyes on her. From that moment, he was smitten. Nothing would get between Andy and Josephine. Absolutely nothing. For more than fifty years, they loved one another more and more each day. The proof is in our family today. When we get everyone together, we are almost 60 people! It's exactly what they wanted. Love and laughs!
The love that my grandparents on my dad's side shared was just as strong. Donald and Virginia fell in love young. My grandpa worked in an ice cream shop, and as he told me, "I noticed her long before she noticed me." My grandma was just 16 years old. Their relationship blossomed soon after, and when the Air Force sent him to Texas as a flight instructor, he and my grandma had a long distance relationship. One day, my grandmother received a diamond engagement ring in the mail, and off she went. At 19, she traveled all alone to be with the man of her dreams. There was no big reception hall, no family. Just friends to witness the ceremony. The big party didn't matter. They just wanted to be together. They were together 63 1/2 years when my grandpa passed away. The two were only apart for 6 weeks until my grandmother joined my grandpa in heaven.
Now, if those stories aren't ones to prove that true love does exist, I'm not really sure how I could convince you otherwise. I know that life had its ups and downs with both couples, but at the core of it they were honest, loyal and compassionate to one another. There was mutual respect. And one thing was for sure: they were in it for the long haul.
So in honor of true love, I ask you to love the one you're with. And by all means, enjoy the dance of life together.
Goodnight xoxo
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