Thursday, April 3, 2014

The True Value of Throwback Thursday

Ahh...the trending of the #tbt.  It's all over Instagram, Facebook, Twitter....whatever social media you choose, you can expect to see old photos uploaded on Thursdays.  I love it!  It's a blast into the past.  It forces us to look back on old memories and smile.  It helps us to remember those who may not be with us anymore, and reminds us of the small things in life, a simpler time.

But...I have one question for you:

Today is the present, but tomorrow it will be the past.  
What are you doing to preserve the memories of today for the future?

I don't know about you, but most of my photos are loaded onto my laptop, my phone, or on Shutterfly.  I probably have 25% of my current photo collection printed, the rest is digital.  I have had computers in the past that crashed or died, deleting precious memories with loved ones that were gone forever.  Devastation.

What are your children going to look back on when they are your age?  Will they have the ability to look through your phone, your old laptops and your website accounts.  Probably not. 

I challenge you to start to print your photos.  Make a point of it every month to print up photos from your most favorite moments of your life.  Create a photo book or just get prints made up.  It's so important to have photos to look back on!

Here's some convenient, easy suggestions for getting pictures printed up quickly and easily: is a photobook subscription service through your smartphone.  I belong to this service and it is a super easy way to get your photos printed off your phone once a month! has a variety of options for photo printing.  From photo books to print plans, they have a ton of options!  Check it out!

Kanvess is an app that allows you to print your Instagram photos!  With so many pictures being uploaded to Instagram each day, why wouldn't you want to print them?!

Dawn and I are taking part in another link party tonight... THE Pin It Party Pinterest Linkup. We found this link party through the Creative Geekery blog and are excited to take part in this each Thursday.


  1. You are so right about taking the time to print our photographs. It has been a long time since I have held one of my children in my lap and flipped through an album telling them about special people or events. Cross my heart promise to start taking advantage of the picture deals! I'm pinning!

    Thanks so much for sharing your post with Show-Licious Craft & Recipe Party! Show to see you back next week!

    ~ Ashley

    1. I'm so glad we've inspired you to get those pictures printed! :) Keep savoring the memories!!!


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Thursday, April 3, 2014

The True Value of Throwback Thursday

Ahh...the trending of the #tbt.  It's all over Instagram, Facebook, Twitter....whatever social media you choose, you can expect to see old photos uploaded on Thursdays.  I love it!  It's a blast into the past.  It forces us to look back on old memories and smile.  It helps us to remember those who may not be with us anymore, and reminds us of the small things in life, a simpler time.

But...I have one question for you:

Today is the present, but tomorrow it will be the past.  
What are you doing to preserve the memories of today for the future?

I don't know about you, but most of my photos are loaded onto my laptop, my phone, or on Shutterfly.  I probably have 25% of my current photo collection printed, the rest is digital.  I have had computers in the past that crashed or died, deleting precious memories with loved ones that were gone forever.  Devastation.

What are your children going to look back on when they are your age?  Will they have the ability to look through your phone, your old laptops and your website accounts.  Probably not. 

I challenge you to start to print your photos.  Make a point of it every month to print up photos from your most favorite moments of your life.  Create a photo book or just get prints made up.  It's so important to have photos to look back on!

Here's some convenient, easy suggestions for getting pictures printed up quickly and easily: is a photobook subscription service through your smartphone.  I belong to this service and it is a super easy way to get your photos printed off your phone once a month! has a variety of options for photo printing.  From photo books to print plans, they have a ton of options!  Check it out!

Kanvess is an app that allows you to print your Instagram photos!  With so many pictures being uploaded to Instagram each day, why wouldn't you want to print them?!

Dawn and I are taking part in another link party tonight... THE Pin It Party Pinterest Linkup. We found this link party through the Creative Geekery blog and are excited to take part in this each Thursday.


  1. You are so right about taking the time to print our photographs. It has been a long time since I have held one of my children in my lap and flipped through an album telling them about special people or events. Cross my heart promise to start taking advantage of the picture deals! I'm pinning!

    Thanks so much for sharing your post with Show-Licious Craft & Recipe Party! Show to see you back next week!

    ~ Ashley

    1. I'm so glad we've inspired you to get those pictures printed! :) Keep savoring the memories!!!
