This afternoon, after a long day of work, I was able to get around to checking my mailbox. I don't check my mailbox daily because I don't get mail here at my apartment regularly. Anyway, I went downstairs, opened my mailbox and there was a key inside. The key means one thing: check the big mailbox below because you have a package! YES!! I love mail, I love presents, and when it's both, I feel like I hit the jackpot!!!
One of my closest, oldest friends lives in Florida. Allyson had texted me last week letting me know that my birthday present was on it's way. I knew that the box that arrived today was a present from her. I came inside, and opened it right away. Underneath styrofoam peanuts was a mug wrapped in tissue paper. After I was able to unravel the tissue paper, it revealed the sweetest, most thoughtful gift! A mug with New York and Florida, with a dotted line between where we live. On the inside, of the mug it says "miss you."
The hardest thing about having a long distance friendship is that you can't meet up for coffee, ice cream, drinks, dinner, or anything. We rely on texting and Facebook, mainly because we're both teachers and have completely crazy schedules. Over the past few years we've been taking turns on who gets to visit in the summer time so we can actually catch up on everything.
I'm pretty lucky to have Allyson as my friend. She's honest, hard working, creative, a good listener, a level-headed advice giver, and was a good side kick when I needed her most. There are some friends you'd do anything for, and Allyson is one of those friends. I can't wait for our visit this summer!!
Allyson purchased the mug above from the Etsy Shop: Tenth Avenue Mugworks.
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