A few years ago, my colleagues and I applied for a grant to use iPads in our classroom to collect student data. We specifically wanted to use the Confer app to record data from our reading and writing conferences. This was normally done through paper and pencil and each year I struggled with finding a system that worked for me. I went from using notebooks, to binders with sections for each student, to random sticky notes plastered on notebook pages. Nothing ever seemed to work... until Confer!
Confer is an awesome app to use in any classroom- and I mean that -
any classroom! I could easily see my math colleagues using this app to record teaching points, strengths and weaknesses, during math conferences/guided practice.
The Confer app is all about customization- it's all about you! You can create as many classes as you need. This allows for better organization and easier usability. I teach two classes of 25 students each and I love that my students are separated on my Confer app, too. Everything is very user friendly. You can directly import a class list/roster into Confer or simply type in each name as you go. You are also able to type in their reading levels/scores and there's a function to sort kids into groups that way.
I often work with Special Education teachers - You can share the data! You're able to share through email, Dropbox, a spreadsheet, or syncing through a cloud. Obviously, this data is even more powerful when you can share it with colleagues-- the case manager, ESL teacher, or intervention team. If another teacher has Confer, you can send them the data and it will automatically import everything onto their system. Amazing!!
Quick and easy data! Teacher lifesaver! Confer allows you to quickly create and save notes during conferences. This used to take me forever by hand. With Confer, you can write a general note or add a note to any/all of the four fields: tags, strength, teaching point, and next step. When you add notes-
it will save the text so that you can quickly add the same note to any student without retyping the entire thing! Unbelievable, right? When you're working with a small group, Confer has a feature that allows you to add the same note to multiple student profiles
at once. Life. Saver!
Sorting students. You can sort students and data in multiple ways!
*By date- Confer will provide you with a list of students starting with who you haven't seen in a long time. Prior to the Confer app, this was my biggest frustration!
*By level- This is obviously helpful for guided reading/math groups.
*By specific need- Confer will sort through your tags, teaching points, or strengths and group kids based on a similar need.
Confer has definitely helped take my formative assessments to the next level. I can quickly and easily collect data, have that data at my fingertips, and then sort through the data to create effective and personalized teaching points/lessons. The developer, David Lowe, is always updating the app and was a great resource when we contacted him through email. We also took a webinar with him!
Here's a fantastic video made by David Lowe as he introduces the Confer app:
Using Confer has made me feel like I actually have a teaching super power! It's an incredible resource and will change your life completely. I promise! Let me know if you have any questions about the Confer app! I really enjoy using it and I'm confident that you will too!