Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Good Luck, Kirstin!

Tonight's post is dedicated to my cousin, Kirstin! 
She's making a huge life change, relocating to another state to be closer to her sister and her family.  She's in the process of making herself a priority...something more of us should do!

In just a week or so, you'll be packing your last boxes, checking the closets to make sure they're empty, and walking through the empty rooms of your condo.  You'll say goodbye to some of your closest friends and family members, but we know you'll be back to visit.  This change is for you, and this change is good.  

I am so excited to hear about your transition down to Virginia, and your time spent with your niece and nephew who are absolutely excited to see you more often.  The time with them that you are gaining is something that you can't put a price tag on.  The memories you are about to create are ones that you...and they will never forget!

I think sometimes change like the one you are about to embark on are moments in life that lead us to greater things than we could have ever imagined.  Who knows?  A dream job that you wouldn't have ever thought existed 6 months ago?  A friendship with someone who you wouldn't have otherwise met?  A new relationship with someone who completely sweeps you off your feet?  Whatever it is, I know...and you for sure, know, that this was the best decision you could have ever made.

So, I wish you lots of things.  Good luck, happy times, and great memories.  When you come back to New York to visit, we'll have a dinner date, catch up, and laugh about old times.  Remember when you'd pick me up for a road trip, and we'd scream as we would pass the big trucks on the highway?  What about our dinners to Just-in-Thyme?  Or our time visiting Grandma and Grandpa?  These memories are ones, for sure, that I'll never forget.  

Now, go make some new memories with your sister, brother in law, niece and nephew.  They're waiting for you.  This is the final countdown!  Good luck!!!

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Good Luck, Kirstin!

Tonight's post is dedicated to my cousin, Kirstin! 
She's making a huge life change, relocating to another state to be closer to her sister and her family.  She's in the process of making herself a priority...something more of us should do!

In just a week or so, you'll be packing your last boxes, checking the closets to make sure they're empty, and walking through the empty rooms of your condo.  You'll say goodbye to some of your closest friends and family members, but we know you'll be back to visit.  This change is for you, and this change is good.  

I am so excited to hear about your transition down to Virginia, and your time spent with your niece and nephew who are absolutely excited to see you more often.  The time with them that you are gaining is something that you can't put a price tag on.  The memories you are about to create are ones that you...and they will never forget!

I think sometimes change like the one you are about to embark on are moments in life that lead us to greater things than we could have ever imagined.  Who knows?  A dream job that you wouldn't have ever thought existed 6 months ago?  A friendship with someone who you wouldn't have otherwise met?  A new relationship with someone who completely sweeps you off your feet?  Whatever it is, I know...and you for sure, know, that this was the best decision you could have ever made.

So, I wish you lots of things.  Good luck, happy times, and great memories.  When you come back to New York to visit, we'll have a dinner date, catch up, and laugh about old times.  Remember when you'd pick me up for a road trip, and we'd scream as we would pass the big trucks on the highway?  What about our dinners to Just-in-Thyme?  Or our time visiting Grandma and Grandpa?  These memories are ones, for sure, that I'll never forget.  

Now, go make some new memories with your sister, brother in law, niece and nephew.  They're waiting for you.  This is the final countdown!  Good luck!!!

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