Tuesday, June 17, 2014

5 Things to Discuss Before Moving in Together!

I am thrilled to be planning my next big move...in with my boyfriend!  Over the past few weeks, we've been talking about a lot of things and getting ready for our merge.  We both have our own places, and have moved enough to know what works and what doesn't....but there's always an adjustment period when you merge lives with someone else.  I thought some of the topics we've been discussing may be helpful to you if you're deciding to move in with the love of your life, too!

1. Finances
Talk with your significant other before moving in together about how finances will be handled.  Will you split the rent?  Will one person pay more than the other?  Who will pay for the utilities? Groceries? There's so many things that go into running a household.  When you live by yourself, you don't need to think about how things will get paid, but once you're sharing a space with someone, it matters!  Another thing you may want to discuss is how cool in the summer and how warm in the winter do you like your living space to be?  I know my boyfriend likes it cool in the winter and warmer in the summer to save money.  I am certainly the opposite, and I am pretty sure I'll be paying for that, but comfort is important to me!

2. What stuff stays...and what stuff goes?
Since we both have fully furnished apartments, it's going to be pretty interesting how we end up merging our furniture!  We have two of everything...two living rooms, two bedroom sets, and a whole lot more.  We'll be getting a storage space to store all of our extra furniture to use in the future.  In addition, we have a lot of everyday things like housewares, which we will have to go through!

3. Guest Policy
Does one person love to entertain and the other person likes quiet nights at home?  Whatever the case, just a quick conversation about how guests are handled makes a big difference.  Most of the time, it won't matter, but if you have friends parked on your couch until 3am on a work night, you might not be a happy camper!

4. Time Together...and Time Alone!
Alone time is super important to keep the spice alive in your relationship.  It is ultra important to both of us to keep our friends and have time together and alone with all our friends.  I know there are nights when all I want is my pajamas and the couch! My friends should know that just because I'm moving in with my boyfriend doesn't mean I'm unavailable to hang out!!

5. Discuss the Chores
Does one of you like things neat and the other doesn't mind the pile of laundry on the floor?  Whatever the case, discuss when you're going to be sure to clean and what you're responsible for cleaning.  That way, certain things don't get on one another's nerves.  Discuss meal plans and how you'll handle dinner during the week so you're both on the same page.

I'm sure if you discuss these points and a few others you'll be ready for the big move!  There's no doubt that things change when you move in together, but the fact is if you're in love and you can't imagine spending time without one another, living together will lead you to a life that's even more fun than it is now!

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

5 Things to Discuss Before Moving in Together!

I am thrilled to be planning my next big move...in with my boyfriend!  Over the past few weeks, we've been talking about a lot of things and getting ready for our merge.  We both have our own places, and have moved enough to know what works and what doesn't....but there's always an adjustment period when you merge lives with someone else.  I thought some of the topics we've been discussing may be helpful to you if you're deciding to move in with the love of your life, too!

1. Finances
Talk with your significant other before moving in together about how finances will be handled.  Will you split the rent?  Will one person pay more than the other?  Who will pay for the utilities? Groceries? There's so many things that go into running a household.  When you live by yourself, you don't need to think about how things will get paid, but once you're sharing a space with someone, it matters!  Another thing you may want to discuss is how cool in the summer and how warm in the winter do you like your living space to be?  I know my boyfriend likes it cool in the winter and warmer in the summer to save money.  I am certainly the opposite, and I am pretty sure I'll be paying for that, but comfort is important to me!

2. What stuff stays...and what stuff goes?
Since we both have fully furnished apartments, it's going to be pretty interesting how we end up merging our furniture!  We have two of everything...two living rooms, two bedroom sets, and a whole lot more.  We'll be getting a storage space to store all of our extra furniture to use in the future.  In addition, we have a lot of everyday things like housewares, which we will have to go through!

3. Guest Policy
Does one person love to entertain and the other person likes quiet nights at home?  Whatever the case, just a quick conversation about how guests are handled makes a big difference.  Most of the time, it won't matter, but if you have friends parked on your couch until 3am on a work night, you might not be a happy camper!

4. Time Together...and Time Alone!
Alone time is super important to keep the spice alive in your relationship.  It is ultra important to both of us to keep our friends and have time together and alone with all our friends.  I know there are nights when all I want is my pajamas and the couch! My friends should know that just because I'm moving in with my boyfriend doesn't mean I'm unavailable to hang out!!

5. Discuss the Chores
Does one of you like things neat and the other doesn't mind the pile of laundry on the floor?  Whatever the case, discuss when you're going to be sure to clean and what you're responsible for cleaning.  That way, certain things don't get on one another's nerves.  Discuss meal plans and how you'll handle dinner during the week so you're both on the same page.

I'm sure if you discuss these points and a few others you'll be ready for the big move!  There's no doubt that things change when you move in together, but the fact is if you're in love and you can't imagine spending time without one another, living together will lead you to a life that's even more fun than it is now!

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