Monday, January 13, 2014

Good friends...old friends!

Have you ever had  a person in your life who knows you better than you realize?  Someone who you don't see all the time, but they usually show up just when you need them.  This card came today from a very dear friend, who used to be my dance teacher, and then my boss!  The amazing woman who sent me this birthday card is that kind of person to me.  I live in New York...well....I recently moved to Connecticut, but she lives in Las Vegas.  I haven't seen her in quite a few years, but we keep in touch over email, text, and the old fashioned way.  She always remembers my birthday, and this year is no different.

The card came, and I knew it was from G.!  She always sends cards full of glitter to celebrate, and I couldn't wait to see what was inside.  She wrote me a note full of inspiration and encouragement.  She sent words which said just what I needed to hear today.

Today's post is a little bit short and sweet, but I'm basically thankful for all the people in my life who I love, and who are near and far.  I hope you have someone special in your life like G.  She's a pretty amazing lady.

Have a sparkly night! xoxo

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Good friends...old friends!

Have you ever had  a person in your life who knows you better than you realize?  Someone who you don't see all the time, but they usually show up just when you need them.  This card came today from a very dear friend, who used to be my dance teacher, and then my boss!  The amazing woman who sent me this birthday card is that kind of person to me.  I live in New York...well....I recently moved to Connecticut, but she lives in Las Vegas.  I haven't seen her in quite a few years, but we keep in touch over email, text, and the old fashioned way.  She always remembers my birthday, and this year is no different.

The card came, and I knew it was from G.!  She always sends cards full of glitter to celebrate, and I couldn't wait to see what was inside.  She wrote me a note full of inspiration and encouragement.  She sent words which said just what I needed to hear today.

Today's post is a little bit short and sweet, but I'm basically thankful for all the people in my life who I love, and who are near and far.  I hope you have someone special in your life like G.  She's a pretty amazing lady.

Have a sparkly night! xoxo

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