Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Good Friends are Like Stars

My friend circle is pretty interesting, but it's so beautiful at the same time.  I chose the quote above for today's post, because my friends are scattered all over the place, like one beautiful constellation. Many of my friends aren't all from the same circle of friends, but they are the most incredible group of people I could have ever asked for.  

It's kind of funny how I may not speak to some of my friends for weeks, and then all of a sudden I'll get a text or an email from someone saying, "Hey...what's up?  how are things going?"  Usually, they text me just when I need it, and we can pick up right where we left off.

I always said that I'd rather have a few good, genuine friends than a gigantic group of friends who are "just friends."  With me, it's quality more than quantity.  My friends know what's going on in my life, and I know what is going on with theirs.  We're genuinely interested in one another's lives, and just want to see each other happy.

Dawn and I always talk about how genuine friendship is so hard to come by, but when you find it, you treasure it.  She and I sometimes get so caught up with life that we can go weeks without seeing one another. Then when we finally do get together, it's like there's been no time since we last saw one another.  

This post is dedicated to all my friends who I keep near and dear to my heart.  Whether I've known you one month or since I'm very little,  thank you for just being you.  I couldn't imagine my life without you!

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Good Friends are Like Stars

My friend circle is pretty interesting, but it's so beautiful at the same time.  I chose the quote above for today's post, because my friends are scattered all over the place, like one beautiful constellation. Many of my friends aren't all from the same circle of friends, but they are the most incredible group of people I could have ever asked for.  

It's kind of funny how I may not speak to some of my friends for weeks, and then all of a sudden I'll get a text or an email from someone saying, "Hey...what's up?  how are things going?"  Usually, they text me just when I need it, and we can pick up right where we left off.

I always said that I'd rather have a few good, genuine friends than a gigantic group of friends who are "just friends."  With me, it's quality more than quantity.  My friends know what's going on in my life, and I know what is going on with theirs.  We're genuinely interested in one another's lives, and just want to see each other happy.

Dawn and I always talk about how genuine friendship is so hard to come by, but when you find it, you treasure it.  She and I sometimes get so caught up with life that we can go weeks without seeing one another. Then when we finally do get together, it's like there's been no time since we last saw one another.  

This post is dedicated to all my friends who I keep near and dear to my heart.  Whether I've known you one month or since I'm very little,  thank you for just being you.  I couldn't imagine my life without you!

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