Saturday, May 17, 2014

High Five for Friday: I love you!

Happy Friday!  I am so thankful the weekend is here.  I'm looking forward to seeing friends (including Dawn!!) this weekend, and soaking up the time off.  

Isn't he so handsome?? :)

1. Last Saturday, Marc and I ate dinner at our friend's place.  Marc cooked...have I mentioned that he's one amazing chef?  I'm lucky to have him!  He's been a dream come true in more ways than just being a great cook.  I can't even tell you have incredibly thankful I am to have found someone as wonderful as Marc.  (and PS....dinner was AMAZING!)

2. Mother's Day with Mom was special.  I brought my mom a Panera lunch and we relaxed before going to visit my dad in the hospital.  She injured her back during the time my dad was in the hospital, and she's still recovering, so I've been stopping in a lot lately.  It was so nice to catch up with my mom, and the back injury forced her to put her feet up on Sunday!  

3. I'm keeping up with my 5K Pro app!  Colleen, Dana and I have been trying to stay with our running routine.  I'm planning on going for a run tomorrow morning!  

4. Heading straight home on Wednesday afternoon. I had no errands to run, no stops to make and it was nice.  I always feel like I have something to do after work, and by the time i get home, it feels like it is just time to get ready for work the next day.  I love being productive, and I was able to get some things organized at home.  I've recently switched from a filing cabinet system for my bills to binders.  It works MUCH better, and I feel so much more organized.  I'll have to blog about this soon!

5. I'm in love.  This was something pretty private, but I'm sharing it with you.  It's so nice to be with someone I feel safe enough with to give my heart to.  Life is so much more incredible when you share it with someone who values your strengths and your weaknesses, and loves you entirely as you are.  This is how it should be!

Tonight we are linking up with Lauren Elizabeth and the ladies that host 5 on FridayClick over to see more awesome stuff! 

1 comment:

  1. Love your 5 things! Love, fitness, food and family all are great things to be excited about!


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Saturday, May 17, 2014

High Five for Friday: I love you!

Happy Friday!  I am so thankful the weekend is here.  I'm looking forward to seeing friends (including Dawn!!) this weekend, and soaking up the time off.  

Isn't he so handsome?? :)

1. Last Saturday, Marc and I ate dinner at our friend's place.  Marc cooked...have I mentioned that he's one amazing chef?  I'm lucky to have him!  He's been a dream come true in more ways than just being a great cook.  I can't even tell you have incredibly thankful I am to have found someone as wonderful as Marc.  (and PS....dinner was AMAZING!)

2. Mother's Day with Mom was special.  I brought my mom a Panera lunch and we relaxed before going to visit my dad in the hospital.  She injured her back during the time my dad was in the hospital, and she's still recovering, so I've been stopping in a lot lately.  It was so nice to catch up with my mom, and the back injury forced her to put her feet up on Sunday!  

3. I'm keeping up with my 5K Pro app!  Colleen, Dana and I have been trying to stay with our running routine.  I'm planning on going for a run tomorrow morning!  

4. Heading straight home on Wednesday afternoon. I had no errands to run, no stops to make and it was nice.  I always feel like I have something to do after work, and by the time i get home, it feels like it is just time to get ready for work the next day.  I love being productive, and I was able to get some things organized at home.  I've recently switched from a filing cabinet system for my bills to binders.  It works MUCH better, and I feel so much more organized.  I'll have to blog about this soon!

5. I'm in love.  This was something pretty private, but I'm sharing it with you.  It's so nice to be with someone I feel safe enough with to give my heart to.  Life is so much more incredible when you share it with someone who values your strengths and your weaknesses, and loves you entirely as you are.  This is how it should be!

Tonight we are linking up with Lauren Elizabeth and the ladies that host 5 on FridayClick over to see more awesome stuff! 

1 comment:

  1. Love your 5 things! Love, fitness, food and family all are great things to be excited about!
