Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Morning Memories

Happy Easter, everyone! I made a few of my favorite desserts tonight in preparation for our family visits tomorrow. I'm SO EXCITED to see both of our families!

As I was whipping up my desserts, all I could think about was the excitement of Easter morning that we experienced as kids. Right next to Christmas, this was the second most anticipated morning to wake up to. My parents were pros at making Easter morning loads of fun. They created an Easter Basket Scavenger Hunt every single year until I was in high school... no lie! And I loved every minute of it! Finding Easter Eggs is fun, but going on a hunt for your basket is a blast!!!  

I am one of four siblings and we're all a few years apart, which made the event that much more entertaining! The excitement in the air was always very contagious... We would all wake each other up, run to the dining room table, and read the Easter Bunny's notes to each other.  The notes and locations of the baskets were different for each one of us, but we'd always help each other understand and recognize the clues before taking off to run around the house. The "Easter Bunny" hid our baskets in the weirdest places, which always resulted in hearty bouts of laughter among the four of us. 

I love, love, love this childhood memory that I experienced each year and I really can't wait to have my own children to carry on the tradition. I would imagine it was a lot of work for my parents to decide on clues for each child, write notes and clues that always rhymed, and plan everything out carefully ...and it was all done just to see our excitement and smiling faces that morning.

Nowadays, the internet and Pinterest makes everything so easy. You can easily print out scavenger hunt cards, as seen here on the Happy Home Fairy Blog. So cute!!

Embellish Goods blog also has super cute scavenger hunt materials, too!

I really enjoyed writing about this memory tonight and can't wait to discuss it tomorrow with my siblings and parents. If you celebrate Easter, I hope you have a wonderful day with your families!


  1. I love that you shared your Easter memories with us! Thanks for the smile!

    Happy Easter!
    ~ Ashley

    1. Thank you, Ashley! I really loved writing about it and so appreciate you reading my posts and following our blog! I hope you have a wonderful week! :-)


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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Morning Memories

Happy Easter, everyone! I made a few of my favorite desserts tonight in preparation for our family visits tomorrow. I'm SO EXCITED to see both of our families!

As I was whipping up my desserts, all I could think about was the excitement of Easter morning that we experienced as kids. Right next to Christmas, this was the second most anticipated morning to wake up to. My parents were pros at making Easter morning loads of fun. They created an Easter Basket Scavenger Hunt every single year until I was in high school... no lie! And I loved every minute of it! Finding Easter Eggs is fun, but going on a hunt for your basket is a blast!!!  

I am one of four siblings and we're all a few years apart, which made the event that much more entertaining! The excitement in the air was always very contagious... We would all wake each other up, run to the dining room table, and read the Easter Bunny's notes to each other.  The notes and locations of the baskets were different for each one of us, but we'd always help each other understand and recognize the clues before taking off to run around the house. The "Easter Bunny" hid our baskets in the weirdest places, which always resulted in hearty bouts of laughter among the four of us. 

I love, love, love this childhood memory that I experienced each year and I really can't wait to have my own children to carry on the tradition. I would imagine it was a lot of work for my parents to decide on clues for each child, write notes and clues that always rhymed, and plan everything out carefully ...and it was all done just to see our excitement and smiling faces that morning.

Nowadays, the internet and Pinterest makes everything so easy. You can easily print out scavenger hunt cards, as seen here on the Happy Home Fairy Blog. So cute!!

Embellish Goods blog also has super cute scavenger hunt materials, too!

I really enjoyed writing about this memory tonight and can't wait to discuss it tomorrow with my siblings and parents. If you celebrate Easter, I hope you have a wonderful day with your families!


  1. I love that you shared your Easter memories with us! Thanks for the smile!

    Happy Easter!
    ~ Ashley

    1. Thank you, Ashley! I really loved writing about it and so appreciate you reading my posts and following our blog! I hope you have a wonderful week! :-)
